Async to_string

Define the AsyncToString trait to make this compile and pass tests (don't edit existing code):

fn main() {
extern crate futures;
use futures::{Future, executor::block_on};
trait AsyncToStringRef<'a>: Fn(&'a str) -> Self::F { type F: 'a + Future<Output = String>; }
impl<'a, F: 'a + Future<Output = String>, T: Fn(&'a str) -> F> AsyncToStringRef<'a> for T { type F = F; }
trait AsyncToString: for<'a> AsyncToStringRef<'a> {}
impl<T: for<'a> AsyncToStringRef<'a>> AsyncToString for T {}
async fn test_generic(s: &str, f: impl AsyncToString) -> String {

async fn to_string_async(s: &str) -> String {

async fn test_concrete(s: &str) -> String {
    test_generic(s, to_string_async).await

assert_eq!(block_on(test_concrete("abc")), "abc".to_string())