
Create something similar to Python's typing.AnyStr.

Example of what it may allow (solution isn't required to pass these tests, but should):

fn main() {
pub trait Equivalent { type T; }
pub trait Accepts<T> {
type Output;
type E;
fn accept(self) -> Self::Output where Self::E: Equivalent<T = T>;
pub trait AnyStrRaw:Equivalent{fn provide<A:Accepts<String,E=Self,Output=Output>+Accepts<Vec<u8>,E=Self,Output=Output>,Output>(accepts:A)->Output;}
impl<T> Equivalent for T { type T = T; }
impl AnyStrRaw for String {
fn provide<A:Accepts<String,E=Self,Output=Output>,Output>(accepts:A)->Output{<A as Accepts<String>>::accept(accepts)}
impl AnyStrRaw for Vec<u8> {
fn provide<A:Accepts<Vec<u8>,E=Self,Output=Output>,Output>(accepts:A)->Output{<A as Accepts<Vec<u8>>>::accept(accepts)}
pub struct Concat<E: Equivalent>(E::T, E::T);
impl<E: AnyStrRaw> Accepts<String> for Concat<E> {
type Output = E::T;
type E = E;
fn accept(self) -> Self::Output where E: Equivalent<T = String> { self.0 + &self.1 }
impl<E: AnyStrRaw> Accepts<Vec<u8>> for Concat<E> {
type Output = E::T;
type E = E;
fn accept(self) -> Self::Output where E: Equivalent<T = Vec<u8>> {
let mut a = self.0;
let mut b = self.1;
a.append(&mut b);
pub trait AnyStr: AnyStrRaw<T = Self> {}
impl<T: AnyStrRaw<T = T>> AnyStr for T {}
pub fn concat<T: AnyStr>(a: T, b: T) -> T { T::provide(Concat(a, b)) }
assert_eq!(concat("ab".to_string(), "cd".to_string()), "abcd".to_string());
assert_eq!(concat(vec![2u8, 3u8], vec![5u8, 7u8]), vec![2u8, 3u8, 5u8, 7u8]);